1 Samuel 3: 11 says:
And the Lord said to Samuel: See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle.
That's what I want from my God. I want to hear something that will make my ears tingle, my arms shake, my legs quiver, my stomach...oh, you get the idea. I want to be surprised. I want to be challenged. I want to do something that takes courage and a sliver of faith.
I guess that's one of the reasons I know that retiring at such a young, young age is the right thing to do. I'm doing what I think God wants me to do, and frankly that's as big a gamble as putting all our non-existent savings on black No. 21.
Faith that is seen, the Bible says, is not faith. Therefore, I have loads of faith, by definition.
When we deal with the Fort Hoods of our country or the Columbines or the Pearl (Miss.) High Schools, we deal with the worst that humanity offers. When we deal with the idea that God wants this little thing, this one little bitty thing from us that we can't by definition see or hold or even hear, it's more than difficult to have the courage to simply step off the roof and expect God to hold us, catch us, allow us to gently float to the ground.
When terror happens. When tragedy strikes. When humanity fails humanity, there is but one way to go, I figure, and it's not to the bottle. It's to the Bible. And the Bible says: The Lord wa with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground.
Isn't that wonderful. God's word never falls to the ground, never fails to lift us up. We simply have to read it. What a great deal.
Makes my pinky pop, my ears roll and my, uh, behind shake.
Talk about the Spirit moving me...
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