Friday, January 29, 2010


Psalm 138 (The Message) says "Thank you! Everythingin me says, "Thank You!"

Angels listen as I sing my thanks. I kneel in worship facing your holy temple and say it again: "Thank you!"

Thank you for your love, thank you for your faithfulness. Most holy is your name, most holy is your Word.

When I walk into the thick of trouble, keep me alive in the angry turmoil. With one hand, strike my foes, With your other hand save me.

FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED IN ME, GOD. Your love is eternal -- don't quit on me now."

In the midst of my trials, the sun broke out yesterday. It was a mild winter day in Lacombe, and after my daily search for something Saints, and after my daily look into my loneliness that has become retirement, the day turned pleasant. We raked leaves. I cleaned some in the attic. We just DID. And things were better, just that suddenly. The grief of my loss began to evaporate. Things simply were nice outside and inside and suddenly I could see where God moved again.

There is a notion around New Orleans right now that seems to have taken over. It is the notion that it isn't enough to start things. It isn't nearly enough to talk about what you're going to do. You must FINISH, preferably strong.

Sunday night in the dome, after a time out was called to ice kicker Garrett Hartley before his history making field goal, a chant began in the end zone that soon encompassed much of the Dome. FINISH STRONG, FINISH STRONG, the fans were shouting. It was the first of many tear moments for me. How could a bunch of folks who have faced storms (not just Katrina but the evacuations that followed), who have lost jobs through a wretched economy, who have lost friends who moved away, who have lost all our lives with this football team, talk about FINISHING STRONG.

We have no experience at this finishing things. Even our own recovery as a city is half-hearted at times it seems.

But here we are talking about finishing.

The Psalmist says to God: "You started this thing in me. You started me down the road to love. You started me caring for others even though it is in that caring that I'm hurt most. Now FINISH IT.

I'm telling you that most of the country is feeling for New Orleans right now. But what most of the country doesn't understand is a team that started things is now interested in only one thing: FINISHING.

Though given little hope by the national media, it's time to FINISH boys. God finish what you have seen grow in me. Thank You, again.

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