The ground was as dry as his throat. For days and days he had wandered these dust covered hills, seeking shelter at night, seeking something entirely different during the day. No, during the day he sought relief, something exceedingly to find in a desert.
The earth he walked was so dry, rocks crumbled at the touch of his feet. He wandered the mountains south of Jerusalem, thinking despite himself of the River Jordan far to the north where he had been baptized merely a month earlier. It was wet there, so wet one could wash his face any time of the day or night, wet enough and green enough that it seemed to be paradise next to this forsaken area.
He understood the purpose of this time of testing. He must be tempted to show his full humanity, for everyone was tempted at one time or another by the adversary. He wasn't bothered by this notion. In fact, he welcomed it.
It wasn't the physical dryness that affected him as much as the spiritual dryness. He longed for time with his Father. He longed to have his Father whisper his name and feel his arms go around him.
In this spiritual dryness, he could not do this. It is impossible, he knew, to feel tempted if the Father is holding you. His adversary showed up most days, but the adversary wasn't the real threat. His condition was the real threat.
Food was but a memory, and his body, lanky and lean to begin with as was anyone's body who walked these mountains, hillsides and valleys, was eating itself he was so hungry. One day he would call himself living bread and living water, but for these 40 days, he was dry, dry, dry.
It had not rained during the time he had spent here. He walked on.
The tempter would return soon. It was the order of the day.
My friends, if you've felt dry lately, if you've felt tempted lately, know that you are in excellent company. Jesus felt that way at one time.
In fact, every human faces a temptation. No one succeeds in fighting it. Is that understood this morning? It's a bit of a true pickle. If you think you can fight off temptation, you've succumbed to the temptation of pride and ego.
If indeed you have felt dry lately, come back to the refreshment that is Jesus. Listen to your own heartbeat and know that it is a gift from God. Do not wonder why you wander, simply accept that God loves you and get on with it.
The desert is dry, of course, but the living water refreshes and gives life. Try some today. It's free.
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