Friday, July 16, 2010


A lot of what we long for in life is something that eludes us. That would be closure.

So it is with something akin to regret, but also with a sense of gladness, that we close out vacation each year. We did it a couple or three times, actually, this wonderful God blessed year.

The lack of closure is what haunts me about my delightful little canine friend, Frankie, who died with me in Israel. Sometimes that brings me to tears, still. But then I notice that God was good enough this year to bring us to Israel for 10 days, to a prison ministry for three days, to a spiritual retreat for four days and then this marvelous week together with the girls and their families in Destin.

This afternoon, under stormy looking skies, we packed our gear and headed away from the beach one last time. I can't help but wonder if we'll be able to do this all again. Money has changed dramatically since the last time we were at Topsail, but a year ago.

But as the wind picks up and a gentle mist crosses the trailer yard, I reckong that doesn't matter. God will take us where God wants us. That's what this year has been about. That is what it should always be about.

That's closure.

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