Thursday, February 3, 2011

Searching for clarity

Oooohhh it's nasty outside, but as they say, it's warm inside.

I'm reading from Isaiah this crisp morning. I see that I'm advised to "seek God while he's here to be found. Pray to him while he's close at hand."

I lay awake last night for reasons I couldn't put my finger on. I was tired, certainly, after a long day of travel and things. A hospital visit and a long walk to get from parked car to hospital in downtown New Orleans left me with a knee that was protesting cold and exercise. Felt like something scraping on something. But after a Bible study last night, the day came to an end, and I should have been very sleepy. Instead, I lay awake, thinking. Seems I thought something bad was coming. I couldn't get my mind off it. Something bad was coming.

Then I get up this morning and I see this: "All who are thirsty, come to the water! Are you penniless? Come anyway -- buy and eat! Come, buy your drinks, buy wine and milk. But without money -- everything's free."

We do so many things that are counter-intuitive. We slave away at our jobs, at shopping, at bill-paying, at simply doing without every stopping to wonder what God wants from us. Not really.

Last night, sleepless in my bed, I gave God credit for all he's done for me, and I allowed his plan to emerge again. Whatever he wants, that's what I want. I simply asked for clarity from him to know what it is. I felt better eventually. And I slept, soundly.

Now, if he would just show me where I left my appointment book.

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