Ah, the familiar. I'm back at my desk, back at my computer, back at my keyboard. Back scratching for something to write about that would help, interest, provide the masses.
Let's look at something new for me that has no current bearing on my life. Let's look to Lamentations. You know the book probably less than most.
In the third chapter, the author, probably Jeremiah, writes this: "He (God) drew his bow and made the the target for his arrows. He shot hit arrows deep into my body. People laugh at me all day long: I am a joke to them all. Bitter suffering is all he has given me for food and drink."
Understand that Jeremiah was writing about the fall of Jerusalem. He was in less than a good mood throughout the writing.
But still...
Have you ever felt that God was in the process of essentially wasting you? Have you blamed God for anything lately? Have you even wondered what God was up to?
The answer to your longing is this: Lamentations ends with Jeremiah writing a prayer to God. "Bring us back to you, Lord! Bring us back! Restore our ancient glory. Or have you rejected us forever? Is there no limit to your anger?"
The answer is, of course. The Jews were brought back to Jerusalem. They are there today.
God is a faithful God. If the Jews had listened to Jeremiah before the Lamentations, perhaps they wouldn't have seen Jerusalem fall.
What needs to fall is our lives? What is it that needs to be taken from us? What is keeping us from ultimately being ALL God wants us to be?
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