Today, apparently, in England is the fifth-annual wife-carrying obstacle race.
I thought in honor of that fine, fine moment in maritial bliss, I would take the time to say something about my wife, who has been carrying me for all these years.
The Bible's book of Proverbs has the most to say about wives in all the book. But the best of the lot is this in the 31st Proverb: 10 A wife of noble character who can find?
She is worth far more than rubies.
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
and lacks nothing of value.
That's my Mary. She has taken to this notion, which got the third-most reads yesterday of all the blogs I've written, that we're going to be moving for the second time in two years, as if it were an every day occurence.
Get some boxes. Get some tape. Go about your business.
Not everyone would take to it that way. She is who she has always been, a real support for the ministry, for her husband whose frailty is known nationally, er, at least locally. She is the reason we're able to do so much because she has endless energy, endless love and, well, she is worth far more than rubies.
See, the pastor who doesn't have a supportive spouse is like a person who has built a beautiful home on sand. That is bound to collapse.
But when that ministry is built upon a rock such as my wife, whew, even the gates of hell will fall before her.
I know I have, countless times.
I praise her. I encourage her. I try to remember how very lucky I am. I suggest every spouse out there remember their far better half ( of either gender) today. Let them know.
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