Thursday, July 5, 2012

Who knew the God particle was missing

How easy do we have it now?

Yesterday our air conditioning unit (which by the way is an air cooling system not a conditioning system so why do we call it that kind of thing?) did more conditioning than cooling. We adjusted. We ran two fans that we have had for a while. That and the massive ceiling fans that we have cooled us. Seems the house was cool enough for us to sleep.

I remember a time, long before we had such ozone-depleted high temperatures I admit, we didn't have air conditioning (or cooling, darn it). We had at our house a big ol' fan that my dad bought at a library auction. He put it in a huge hole in the back wall of the house and suddenly, our air was conditioned (cooled, I swear it was cooled).

It would blow you across the bed if you put your head near the window. I lay in bed with that cool, fresh country air pouring over me like the mist of a summer rain, listening (without benefit of headphones, earphones or anything else) to radio station WLS out of Chicago as Creedence Clearwater sang about somehow getting out of a place called Lodi.

Today, I have a tooth brush that vibrates. Touch a button, and it fairly takes off. I'm not exactly sure what it does for my old teeth, but hit that button and pow, ugggggghhhhhhaaaaaa it goes.

I have a razor that does the same. Touch a button, and it starts doing the tango. Whiskers are removed with the ease of, well, of a razor cutting them. Again, I'm not exactly sure what it does or why it's necessary, but, hey, technology is king, right?

I have a phone that's smart, a tablet that's smarter or at least bigger, I'm tying on a keyboard that sends words to a monitor somehow. Like a young Leonardo DiCaprio standing on the front of the Titanic, I'm the king of the technology world, a word I don't understand at all. This week I read that they've found the "God particle," and I get plumb shaky thinking about it.

The problem is, I never knew the God particle was missing.

What I've come to understand about understanding is that we're never going to reach a stage where our intelligence, our knowledge, our technological advances are greater than His granted wisdom. Our touch-a-button manic society still is not ahead of his bountiful knowledge and expression.

The Bible says God asked Job,"Where were you when I created the earth? Tell me, since you know so much! Who decided on its size? Certainly you'll know that! Who came up with the blueprints and measurements? How was its foundation poured, and who set the cornerstone? While the morning stars sang in chorus and all the angels shouted praise? And who took charge of the ocean when it gushed forth like a baby from the womb? That was me! I wrapped it in soft clouds, and tucked it in safely at night. Then I made a playpen for it, a strong playpen so it couldn't run loose."

Will we ever design anything more beautiful than a butterfly in all its fluffy, gentle colors or a pink-filled sky just moments after sunrise or even the green of rice fields near harvest? Will we ever, ever think of something that works at its basic level than life itself? Seems even if there wasn't a God who enjoyed making that which man couldn't handle nor will ever be able to duplicate, we would have to spend some time making one up. Thankfully, today that's not necessary, for we would blotch that as well.

Scientists have found the God particle, which basically defines why there is mass, but the question will always remain, where does mass come from? Why did the big bang happen? Who or even what started the universe spinning in the first place? What was the beginning?

And who started cold fronts in the first place?

As we get smarter, the problems seem not to be solved but only changed and in some cases made bigger than they were. With all our smarts, nations around the world are going broke, and we're no closer to getting along than when Cain slew Able.

And in the greatest nation on this planet, people are dying because they didn't have air-conditioning (see, it's cooling; it's really, really cooling).

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