Wednesday, October 3, 2012

And so it begins

Have I mentioned in the past how much I love flying? That might be because I detest it. I would just as soon the next time I go up into the air it’s to meet Jesus, though that might make my return trip to Eunice, La., a challenge. I flew from Lake Charles, La., in a bi-plane, or at least it seemed like it. But the trip was but 30 minutes in the air so I barely got over the liftoff before I was terrified of the landing. But the next plane, the United Express I believe was painted on the side, though I believe they had to leave one S off because the plane wasn’t long enough, made the first one look like a 747. I felt like I was in with Lindy, in the Spirit of St. Louis, I mean. Two hours in a pressure-sealed cabin gave me all the familiarity a sardine must have, including the loss of the feeling in my extremities. Plus, I’ve been diagnosed with bronchitis, which simply means I introduced myself to the poor guy in front of me, inches from my mouth by the way, way too often.

But I digress. I’m in Kansas City, down the street from two things that seemed to have perked up the old body. One, there’s a Starbucks, but that’s only a small thing. The second is a large one. I’m down the street from Adam Hamilton’s Church of the Resurrection. I’m thrilled to be here, blessed to be here, am anxious to be here. This, I deeply pray, will be a learning experience beyond and above any I’ve had, and I’ve had a few in the past 14 years. It ain’t the Holy Land, mind you, but in United Methodism, it is one of the shrines in the year of our Lord 2012.

I’ve studied the man’s books. I’ve studied the man’s Bible Studies. I’ve studied, heck, the man. My cousin and my aunt attend his church and my cousin does wonderful work through his church and they absolutely rave about him. I saw him and listened to him this summer at the Louisiana Annual Conference, and I’ve bought in hook, line and Methodist sinker.

There should be a but come about right here, but there won’t be. No sir, there won’t be. Because I’m not going to let it. The easy thing would be to point out, well, he’s a rock star in United Methodism because …. And I actually heard some pastors at our conference do that. He has this. He has that.

I’m not going to get into the thinking that, “well, of course they can do all that because they have all that,” because that’s simply not going to ever be part of my thinking. Or at least most of the time. My lot, my place it appears will be with small churches all my ministry. That’s fine. But I will never think of them as small churches because I still believe, I really, really do believe that God has called me for such a time as this and He is a great ol’ big God and my place is where my place is.

And I’ll dare say this: Let’s do percentages. First Eunice had 161 members listed as of Jan. 1. Since July 1, 12 have joined the church and two more will this coming weekend or 14 in 15 weeks. Seven children baptisms, eight or nine, I lose count, professions of faith. Even since Jan. 1 (so you don’t think it’s me), there were five more baptisms and seven professions of faith. Do the math, simply math at that. 161 has become (or will this weekend) 28 added to the rolls or more than 1/5 percent in nine months. Or a tripling of the size of small groups on Sundays or a Sunday evening and Sunday night Bible study where were were none. Most importantly of all, a Youth group than in 15 months has grown nothing to 62 a Wendesday, and we feed them, give them something to belong to and with and frankly some of these youths have no place else to go after school.

None of this is about me, and without ever meeting Adam (though obviously we’re on a first name basis), I believe he would quickly say it is not about him. But (there’s the but)… it is about the gifts and graces each of us (HEAR ME) each of us have. I will not do what Adam has, you might not do what I have, but we have the same goal, same heart, same Bible, same baptism and same Holy Spirit.

I’m blessed to be here. Blessed to learn more.
Blessed to be in such a godly home as I am staying.
I am blessed.

But I bet Adam flew on a bigger plane.

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