On the day I passed 20,000 page views of this blog, I thought it would be a good time to steer clear of all controversy and go straight to the praises of scripture.
You don't have to be a major blogger to be used by God. Little Micah, what was called a minor prophet (as if anyone being used to tell the word of God could possibly be minor, had this to tell us:
"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from old, from ancient times."
Though you are small is such a wonderful expression coming from God. God has a real habit of using the unusual, making do with the less than well-to-do, having a plan for the planless. If we could see ourselves through the eyes of God, I suspect we would see someone who is truly different than the one we see in the mirror each morning.
God calls, and whom God calls, God equips. I believe that, even when I have a bout with depression, even when I can't see the results of what He has called me to do.
I know without question that I can't do much without him. I have no real results to show of that period I didn't have a relationship with Jesus. The results I have, in whatever those results might be, aren't great with Jesus, but I suspect that's more to do with how I view results than God does.
So, today, raise your hands, sing Alleluia, glorify God because He certainly has glorified you.
Think of all the wonderful things God has given you, and praise Him.
David wrote, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." Maybe your calling isn't to preach or even teach, but I guarantee you it's to seek. Maybe you're called to give someone a ride to the hospital. Maybe you're called to teach a group of young persons. Maybe you're called to simply go to a Bible Study and become closer to the one who gives you all good things.
Today, stand in awe of the goodness of God.
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