Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Praise and pasta

Sign in Eunice, La.:
Top line: Praise the Lord
Next line: Lasagna

I believe it is Proverbs where we find the notation about how making and serving good pasta is the greatest of praises. I could be wrong, however.

This led me to giving thought about where and when God makes appearances in our daily lives. Or...if.

Do you daily mention God? When was the last time, in the non-Facebook category, that you mentioned the Lord to someone else? If the answer is more than 24 hours, you and He need to talk about talking about Him.

David, long before becoming a king, certainly believed that a daily dose of discussion about God was not only good but necessary. There was no Sabbath only in David's life.

In the Psalms, he wrote, "Take notice, you senseless ones among the people;
you fools, when will you become wise?
Does he who fashioned the ear not hear?
Does he who formed the eye not see?
Does he who disciplines nations not punish?
Does he who teaches mankind lack knowledge?
The Lord knows all human plans;
he knows that they are futile."

Today in my state, Louisiana, parades will flow through the dampness and darkness of Mardis Gras on a rainy day. Today in my state, people will party and such all day until Fat Tuesday ends and Lent begins tomorrow.

My question is, I guess, does God see secular time that way? Does He take a day off for parades? Is there a separation of church and state in his wonderful mind?

I think the answer to it all is a firm no. God knows all our plans, and he has seen them be futile.

So, honor him with praise daily, and on occasion slip in the lasagna.

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