Friday, June 21, 2013

Nothing ordinary here

A friend at a meeting last night said what I think we all feel: It's ordinary time.

In the church, that's a call for green as the color for the pulpit and altar. It means in the Christian Calendar it is not Advent or Lent or Pentecost or Easter. It's ordinary.

But it's more than that. It's summer. It's, apparently, a time of Vacation Bible School and people taking off for parts unknown.

And you look up and wonder where is everyone in the church.

This morning is ordinary, in all that means. I'm tired (despite or because of coming off vacation in Florida), and I had trouble going to sleep last night as I worried about the next year of this church, these churches.

Then I sat down at this desk and punched in Pandora Radio and I heard this:

Over the mountains and the sea
Your river runs with the love for me
and I will open up my heart
and let the healer set me free.
I'm happy to be in the truth
and I will daily lift my hands
for I will always sing of when Your love came down

I could sing of your love forever.

No where in the song is there a bit about how one feels, or being tired, or ordinary time. In fact, everything about it is extra-ordinary, for God is never relegated to the ordinary.

Each morning is a miracle. The sun comes up...miracle. I'm breathing .... miracle. I have a call and a mission ... miracle and miracle.

So this morning, I sing. Not for what I see, but for what I don't. His love...forever.

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