Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Dumbest commercials ever?

I''m not sure what it says about us, but we live in a world where a company thought a commercial about people having "eaten the bones" was necessary, first, enlightening, second. The word boneless on the side might have been a giveaway to most, but the very fact that there was no crunching would have been the clincher to me. Why KFC thought this was such a good idea, I have no idea.

That led me to thinking about all the things that are really dumb that we put up with because that's the world we live in.

Let's take for example there was someone out there who thought a geico would be a great spokesman for an insurance company. Why? Who thinks like that?

Or the NFL Network's serious fun commercials with a guy sporting a bright red beard saying things for no apparent reason. Someone was hired to think of that.

The current one where the guy is taking a shower and continues to take that shower all day long even while having a meal at a restaurant joins all the ones with Old Spice attached them. Dumb and dumbererer.

I guess what I'm asking is why do people have to have such motivation for buying a product, and if indeed these commercials will make someone buy that product, again, what does that say about the world in which we live?

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