Friday, December 13, 2013

EMP is born, sorta, kinda

This universe is real, the one in which we live, unlike, say, any other universe, out there, like say the Marvel Comic Book or movie universe, or the DC Comic Book universe or the Warner Brothers movie universe or whatever. Those universes, those un-real universes, seems to exist because of computer generated effects. But they aren't real. Though I'm no scientist of any sort, there is nor has there ever been a Krypton -- for example.
Rather recently, a universe was created for a graphic novel series. The graphic novel series, Empowered, was created. Empowered was a female member of the Superhomeys superhero group and the main character of the graphic novel series of the same name. Empowered's civilian name was Elissa Megan Powers, but she was most commonly referred to by her fellow heroes and friends as “Emp.” Whether this was purely because of it being a shortened reference to her superhero name, or simply a phonetic pronunciation of her civilian name initials was never specified. She was "Emp." Simple enough, right?
Emp was a 20-something super heroin and associate-member of the super homeys superhero group. Her powers and abilities were derived from a super suit of unknown origin and nature (the suit literally "fell out of the sky" in an envelope addressed to her). This suit, while being Emp’s source of power, has also made her a social laughingstock as it often failed when she needed it the most. This was due to the suit’s material, known as a “hyper membrane”, being incredibly thin and incredibly skin-tight, while also being extremely fragile and sometimes uncooperative. Sorta, kinda reminded me of Greatest American Hero, a television show whose theme song was far, far better than the show itself (kind of like Batman in 1966).
Despite these shortcomings, Empowered’s super suit steadily became more useful and resilient with new abilities being revealed as the series progresses. Additionally, Emp’s suit was implied to have been bonded specifically to her, and was shown to be completely useless when worn by other people. The suit's odd behavior and contradictory properties (such as being able to stop bullets and shark bites, yet was also extremely fragile) were at least partially a result of Elissa's psychological difficulties and limitations.
Get all that? Yeah, didn't think so.
The point was this, I sorta, kinda think ... The "suit" was a dream in the making. It seemed to be all we could ever want, but then again it wasn't. Kind of like the Messiah born to be king, who would die instead.
"And when they were there, the time came for her baby to be born. She gave birth to her first child, a son."
Again, with simplicity, with grandeur, with love and with gentleness, with affection, with a niceness ... the baby was born."
He ...
was ...
Not created. Not made. Not substituted. He was born, and that had significance in the Lord's Universe, the one in which WE live.
The baby was born.
The king was drafted.
The powerless became empowered.
That which was without power was granted power, but a power of a far different kind. That which was without was granted the ability to be WITH. The LEAST and the FEW were given equality with the MOST and the MANY. And the cold darkness was warmed and lit with the love of God.
EMP, indeed.

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