Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hanging with the boys

March 11 --

After the death of Moses, the servant of the Lord, the LORD said Joshua son of Nun, Moses' aide: 'Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people get ready to cross the Jordan River."

Get ready, the scriptures say. It's time to go. It's time to pull millions of folks together and cross the river into the promised land. It's time to O-e-o-u.

Oeou is Aramaic for "get ready" (oh well, it might be or it could be, or maybe even should be). In other words, "get your, er, stuff ready and tell the mule to start swimming. Oeou flamagisync, then is logically and rationally, people get ready there's a boat a-coming... .

Or not. I imagine, then, if o-e-o-u is ready, then oeou flam-a-gin-sync is, of course, the people getting ready to, uh, dance and sing.

It's meaning is to get ready for (are you really ready for this?) flaming N sinc. Get ready. Nsync is coming.  Wow. Boy groups from more than 2,000 years before Nsync lead singer Justin Timberlake was born. I think that's kind of special. Kind of. Or delusional, take your pick.

Adam Hamilton, senior pastor at the Church of the Resurrection in Kansas City, a phrase when talking about almost anything and everything he is passionate about. He says, "How cool is that?"

"How cool is that?" when experiencing a joy-filled moment with his spouse and children.
"How cool is that?" when offering a plate of food to someone who really is hungry.
"How cool is that?" when uncovering something a nonbeliever is going through.
HOW COOL IS THAT when sharing historical and/or geographical with a nonbeliever.

Just how cool would that be?

This morning, as I've made up a whole Aramaic language for you, I want you to think about how cool it would be to have to have known Moses, to have walked with Moses, to have been ready to move with Moses. How cool wold

How cool would thatg have been go mo d gh no d ghag aujk. And that, by the way, is Aramic for "Bye, Bye, Bye."

Your coolness is beyond imagination and belief. You led in ways we're simply now beginning to be grasp. More than a million people followed a person who stuttered. To me, O God, that means you were there, communicating in a burning bush, talking through the amazing journey. Creator God, Loving God, Infinite God, Eternal God, we pray to you. We turn to you. We are led by you. We in awe of you.

For all you have done and all you will do we give you thanks.

Your love endures forever.                      

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