Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Religio Tigers and the State

So, let's talk rights.

Oh, he had to go and get serious again... I can hear the wheels turning in your head.

A story popped up on my religioradar:

The leader of an organization that monitors separation of church and state said Tuesday that Clemson University head football coach Dabo Swinney and his staff have leavened their athletic program with so much Christian indoctrination that the administration needs to step in and say “hands off the consciences of these kids.” The Freedom From Religion Foundation has sent a letter of complaint to Clemson University, urging the Upstate school to cease the athletics department’s emphasis on prayers, Bible studies and other religious activities, including busing players to local churches for Sunday services. “Of course these students are going to feel that they have to go to every Fellowship of Christian Athletes prayer breakfast,” said Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the education non-profit based in Madison, Wisc., that represents atheists and agnostics.

But she said, “Football players should not be subjected to religious tests to play.” The complaint filed April 10 could set up a clash of culture and Constitution in a deeply religious and politically conservative region of South Carolina.

What are we to make of this? Is this prophesy and the sky is gonna crack open at any moment? Frankly, I'm quite comfortable with that thought. But nah. Just a bunch of stuff.

Let's deal quickly with both. First, Clemson is completely beating the separation of church and state issue to death. Teachers, coaches, heck janitors can't do this in school, as wrong as I think that to be. However, and it's a good ol' however, the athletes themselves can lead these studies, conduct these breakfasts and pray to their little hearts are content. On the campus. Final point: If Annie thinks you have to pass a religious test to play, she's out of her mind. If they can run, block, throw, catch, defend they will play.

The question to me is more of what does a person like Coach Dabo Sweeney do when he is following what he believes to be the Great Commission? What does he do when he's following his heart, the Holy Spirit within him?

I can only say what I would do, not what he necessarily should do.

Invite any every one of the students to voluntarily attend Bible Studies conducted by the other players. Invite any and every one of the students to whatever church he attends, if indeed he's able to do that during football season with travel and the like. Act like a follower of Christ in your actions and for coaches especially your language. And pray like mad.

This separation is a tough thing on the adults, but it’s what we bought into when we decided we would not force “religion” on anyone. We decided oh those years ago that we would be a nation that would not force any one particular religion on others. And yes I believe the founding fathers were Christian for the most part.
So, we share Christ in the way we can share Christ, legally, giving to Ceasar what is Ceasar's.


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