Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Let the little children come

I feel like a dip in the lake of controversy today, so off the diving board we go.

I read a survey that says the majority of American say this country should support the children who are crossing the boarder of the nation, most of whom are from Central America.

Somehow this became a political issue. Somehow it became a Democrat versus Republican issue. Somehow.

Democrats responded favorably 80 percent, independents 69 percent and Republicans 57 perent.

White evangelical Protestants were at 56 percent favorably.

I don't know all the ends and outs of border politics, and I'm not living there, but I can't imagine anyone turning away children for any reason.

Especially Christians.


There is a program on television called Under the Dome. The idea is this giant dome has come down on a town and it is impenetrable. In the second week under the dome, someone notices that crops are not going to be able to keep the town fed. Someone evil suggests that they begin to pare down the herd, as it were. Essentially the suggestion is that they begin killing the weak.

Evil, right?

I wonder if we ever see the connection in "securing" our borders and paring the herd?

It's the old idea of what to do if the lifeboat is filled and there are still swimmers in the water.

I can only say that we must do everything we can to help all that we can in all the ways that we can. That's not me, that's Wesley paraphrased.

Jesus said let the little children come to him. Can we do less? Seriously? I'm happy that the majority think we should help the children. I'm alarmed that 44 percent of the population's white evangelicals think we shouldn't.

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