I played basketball for one year in high school. Late starter. Late bloomer. I was short and made up for that with my lack of quickness. Despite all that I could rebound pretty well for my size because I could make do with tenacity. I would rebound because, well, I wanted to rebound.
For two days I've had PPS (post party syndrome). I've been unable to write, to walk, to move. We had an amazing weekend, and it was wonderful to see my family and new friends chip in and make it so. It was all I could have imagined, and then it was over. Five months of work planning, execution was done.
Now, uh, what? I'm so dang sad.
Is there anyone out there who is a plan your work and work your plan kind of person? What do you do when the plan is worked and the work is done? What then? What makes you happy?
Someone recently asked me to write what gives me joy. Other than being with my wife, kids, grandkids, the once in a lifetime championship of the Braves or Saints or still waiting for my college, I don't know. Not really.
How sad that sounds.
Oh, and preaching. And writing. And I do little of either any more.
I have no hobbies. No interests, unless you count Marvel movies and they come around only a couple times a year.
I write fairly regularly, but not as I once did. I love music, and I wished I could play it better but that ship's sailed.
So where is the joy?
Then I come across a little something like this: Lord, lift up the light of your countenance upon us. You have put gladness in my heart. ... O Lord, make me dwell in safety."
PPS is countered by LORD. In the end, my joy comes in the morning with Him, because of Him. Nothing I do is enough, will never be enough. Nothing I think, or create, or do is enough, will ever be enough to match his gift at the cross.
How dare I feel down?
He is with me, with us, with all of us. He has always been.
It is time to rebound again.
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