Friday, August 7, 2015

Instead, GOD

Year and years (and years) ago, I went fishing with my father. I was about as good at fishing as I am at golf, but I must say there was something about getting to to the Lock 4 Dam on the Tombigbee River near Demopolis, Ala.

In the morning, the sun would peek over the horizon, sending slivers of light onto the water falls down the concrete dam. We would take the boat near the foam and mist of the falls to catch bait fish, something or other called shad.

Then as the morning grew lighter, and on occasion a rainbow would pop up, we would float away from the falls and anchor somewhere out in the middle of this tremendous river.  I loved it. It was like being in the midst of power, in the midst of something greater than myself.

In thinking this morning of all those years down the pike, I thought of that text in Revelation.

Can you find your place this fine morning near God's river of mercy that flows from the throne?

Can you find peace that is beyond understanding.? That peace that is beyond description?

It begins, I think, at the moment you find your place, your home, your ideal where the sun is peeking over your horizon, sending slivers of light onto your and you know this is where you need to be. Wherever that is, it's home. It's your Jerusalem.

 The Bible describes it this way: Feast your yes on Jerusalem, a quiet and permanent place to live. No more pulling up stakes and moving on, no more patched together lean-tos. Instead, GOD. GOD majestic, God himself the place in a country of broad rivers and streams. But rivers blocked to invading ships, off-limits to predator pirates. For God makes all the decisions here. God is our king. God runs this place and he'll keep us safe."

No more looking for what can't fulfill.
No more striving to do what can't be done.
No more making bad choices and bad mistakes and bad. Period.
No more.

Instead. GOD.

GOD majestic.

In our homes. In our schools, In our minds. In our hearts. In those moments out beyond the white picket fences and gardens that need water. Out beyond our hopes and even our faulty dreams. God is out there, waiting, peacefully waiting.

Instead, GOD.

This notion of separation of church and state works fine for those of us who want to live that way. But I seriously, seriously think God laughs at that idea.

Instead, GOD.

As the temps get hotter and hotter and the rain gets farther and farther away, I pray that somehow we will understand just how much trouble we are all in. The divide between police and the public has increased beyond measure. No one trusts anyone anymore.

But there is an answer. We simply have turning to Him when we can.

So, here's my idea:
Instead, GOD.

I'm the most fragile, most mistake prone feller you'll ever meet. I think so little of my spiritual abilities I can't tell you anything much.

Instead, GOD is the answer.

For same-sex issues,
For abortion issues,
For life end issues,
For political issues,
For unarmed shootings,
For theater shootings,

Instead, GOD.
God majestic.
God praise-worthy.
God able when and where we are not.

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