Monday, October 19, 2015

What next, you ask...?

At the churches we've come to and come to love, we truly have had a great year in 2015.  They had a fabulous year before Mary and I came and a fabulous year together afterwards. It’s because of the work of the congregations and the work of the staff, really. Truly.
I believe next year promises to be greater. I really do. Next year promises to be even more wonderful and my faith tells me that we’re simply just now getting started.
But the true blessing is we’re seeing new people contribute in new (and exciting) ways, by God’s blessings. That’s a sign of God’s leadership and contributions, the leadership above all leaders, of course. Last year (and the year before that and the …) this church has established goals, aspirations, ideas about where we go from here.
Our goals include:
1)       Musically, FUMC is blessed in that we have such talented persons like Florence Bethard and Karen Squires and Francis Ruth Hale. But we continue to plan, dream, hope and pray that we can do even more with what God has provided. We’ve discussed the return of a chancel choir. I continually discuss ideas about establishing a band, and even throw around ideas about two services here at Coushatta First. There’s more to come. I plan to explore how we might budget for musicians.
2)       As we approach 2016, we've need to ask ourselves this, if this church suddenly weren’t here, would the community notice? I believe that it would. We continue to throw out ideas for discussion on what comes next in terms of buildings, youth, children programming, etc. Our Bishop has set our core values as “having integrity, being accountable, having unrelenting love for all people, taking risks and having courage, as it takes new actions to have new times.” Most importantly, she has called us to “hold nothing sacred but the mission,” which is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. Jesus simplified that to love our neighbor as ourselves. In other words, we need to, we must, remember what we’re called to do – each of us, all of us.
3)    So, we need to pray about what you can pledge for 2016 …  in terms of service, money, time, prayers. It’s hard to talk about money, sometimes. Folks don’t like to bring up money in church, but here’s a fact: Jesus talked about money more than he did love. Eleven of the 39 parables He tells are about finances.
4)       To do proper budgeting, we need to have proper pledges. That’s to make some of our dreams come true, we have to give more money. That’s a fact of life and serving. To make some of our dreams become reality, we need to reach out and touch a heart for God. To make some of our dreams grow into our next great project, we need to simply pledge a tithe and then actually make the pledge real as spring rain.
5) At our two churches, we need to increase the numbers of small groups, increasing the number of teachers or facilitators for those groups. We need two small groups per week at Wesley Chapel. We need three small groups each week at Coushatta First. Now, I love teaching and/or leading groups, but we need to have others doing so, as well. We will.
6. We need to increase the depth of mission work, locally and statewide. We need to fund a summer youth mission trip for 2016 that will help our youth learn about serving beyond ourselves.
7. Finally, I believe we need to establish or perhaps re-establish ourselves as a praying church by having two groups come together each week to pray through our list of ideas, and the persons involved in those missions. I need someone to step up to lead each of those groups.
Other than that, there's no problem at all. None.
But, friends, church, ultimately, we can’t keep doing the same things everyone has always done and keep expecting new results. But if God is involved in all that we do, just watch the church rebound or even start new things – again and again. It can happen.  I’ve seen it happen. We worship a big, big God. We can’t imagine beyond his capabilities.
King David, with great counsel and prayer wrote, “You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire you more than anything on earth. My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever. … I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.”
Let’s make the Sovereign Lord our shelter and be prepared to tell everyone we meet about the wonderful things He has done in our lives, and what we believe He is planning for our future. Let’s fan the flames of our spiritual lives again. Let’s get excited, together. Let nothing stand in our way, because God is the strength of our hearts. This is real stuff, and we are capable.
Sunday, we are having our first Pledge Sunday together. They will receive cards at the beginning of the service. I'm asking everyone to consider increasing their pledge from 2015 by as much as five percent, or if they are already tithing, to move to 2 percent above that pledge as we consider ways to make these church not just beautiful physically, but beautiful in terms of being lighthouses to a dark world.
When Jesus shows up, everything changes. This I know.
I love them all,

Pastor Billy Turner

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