does love look like to you?
Wait, take a breath. Think it over. Love isn’t always that easy to recognize.
Wait, take a breath. Think it over. Love isn’t always that easy to recognize.
submit that instead hate is quite easy to see, know, feel.
is killing the innocent, whomever and wherever we see them. Hate is crushing
others with words. Hate is seeing differences and despising them.
is living by the rules, rules we created, not God. Hate is being sure we are
right to the detriment of others.
lives today in a world where differences are settled by bombs instead of
discussion, where our own leaders would rather pick on spouses of candidates
than tell us how they are going to lead.
love? Love is hard to see, touch, hear, smell, absorb.
Love is different. Love borrows in instead of punching out. Love is what
separates those who follow The Way from those who have lost their way. Love is not just never having to say you're sorry, as one movie told me. Nah. Love is striving to never do anything that will make you have to say you're sorry.
looks like healing people who are hurt. It looks like feeding people who are
hungry. It looks like loving people who are shunned. It looks like defending
people who are overwhelmed. It looks like friends sharing food together. It
looks like grieving over the loss of a friend. It looks like a conversation
over a drink of cool water. It looks like helping the celebration along at a
wedding. It looks like helping the lost find meaning in life.

we truly seek love, what we’ll find at the end of a long, long narrow road is a
door. Knocking on that door, I mean knocking like there is no tomorrow,
knocking like we need to get in not want to get in, knocking like our lives
depend on it, will gain us entrance.
that door that is our way into the kingdom of heaven, God’s kingdom, is a man
that I can’t possibly describe, except, except He is love.
does love look like?
looks like Jesus, Jesus with his friends, Jesus with the children, Jesus
dancing, Jesus singing Psalms, Jesus healing, Jesus teaching, and yes, most
certainly yes, Jesus on the cross.
love today, friends new and friends old. Find love.
Jesus to come to you. With him there is a loving future. Without, there is no true
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