Friday, May 27, 2016

Most importantly

I've been given to thinking lately. I know, I know the joke hidden there. But really, I've been doing some pondering on what we're going to do as a church in the coming year -- July 1 and on.

I pray that this will be a great year for these churches. We've had such difficulty in the past year. Sickness (my own and others), and a death. 

But I believe we're on to something. I believe we can do more, for those who want to count.

We continued a ministry called Sewing God's Love, even going so far as to obtain a house where many women can create things for those who are ill.

We have a dynamite worker named Ci Ann who volunteers all over the parish.

We have a Pizza Hut ministry where they give us pizzas each week and Mary heads up the delivery to those less fortunate.

The list is a good one.

But what if?
What if this was the way we approached ministry? This is from Acts, and it is Paul's way of looking at ministry.

"But nothing, not even my life, is more important than my completing my mission. This is nothing other than the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus; to testify about good news of God's grace."

Nothing is more important.
Pass the goodness, the light, the grace of the Lord Jesus to anyone who doesn't have a relationship with him.

Nothing is more important.
Seems like a plan.

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