Friday, November 9, 2012

What indeed is truth?

One of the more difficult statements in scripture, to me (as all these things are but opinions) is when Jesus stands before Pilate. They're having THE discussion to end all discussions.

Jesus says, "You say that I am a king. I was born and came into the world for this one purpose, to speak about the truth. Whoever belongs to the truth listens to me."
Pilate asks, "And what is truth."

And the chapter ends with no answer.

I suspect we've been fighting hard to answer that ever since.

I'm not one who believes this country is going to fall in the next four years, but clearly this is a different country, a different electorate than existed 12 years ago. Anyone who disputes this, it seems to me, is disputing the absolute "truth."

In this country this week, persons of this nation voted:

To legalize marijuana as a recreational drug;
to legalize same-sex marriage in four more states;
to legalize spending more on government.

I thought I had heard it all. Then in true Red State mania, I heard (by accident; my alarm clock somehow wound up on a country station) a tune called, If I could have a beer with Jesus.

The words include: "If I could have a beer with Jesus Heaven knows I'd sip it nice and slow I'd try to pick a place that ain't too crowded Or gladly go wherever he wants to go."

The chorus is, "How'd you turn the other cheek to save a sorry soul like me Do you hear the prayers I send What happens when life ends And when you think you're comin' back again I'd tell everyone, but no one would believe it If I could have a beer with Jesus."

This is a different world, a different country that songs like this can exist. Though clearly the intent is (along with having a catchy title) to say something relatively benign about Jesus.

Still, in this country at one time, there would have been an absolute uproar about this song in the very part of the country where I assume it is selling, since I heard it on radio.

I'm not particularly offended, but I am surprised that our thinking has changed so much. When Jesus is a drinking buddy, well, muslims would be rioting if that same sort of sentiment were to be spoken about their prophet. Jews wouldn't even say the name of God for hundreds of years. Us...we're going for a beer with our diety.

But following the elections on Tuesday, I shouldn't be surprised any longer.

What indeed is truth?

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