Monday, June 13, 2016

Again the bodies fall

      I can't be writing about this again. I just can't. It's not possible, really, is it? God can't be weeping again for what we do to each other, can he?  For again, blood is on the ground, and death is in the air. Again we’re killing each other. Again, someone’s loved ones are crying out.
      Let's be real with each other. Another mass shooting, the worst in American history, the worst terrorist attack since 9-11, and everyone goes bat crazy about it because they should. 
      Someone put a piece on Facebook that says we don't have a gun problem, we have a radicalized Muslim problem.
      Someone put a piece of Facebook that points out the inherent stupidity of letting folks buy those types of assault weapons.
      We blame African-Americans, we blame Caucasians, we blame Muslims and we blame each other. We blame gun owners, and we blame gun control. We blame Christians for being targets and for starting the hate on LGBT persons. We go on and one blaming and blaming and nothing ever gets accomplished.
      We blame Trump, we blame Hillary and we blame the clear separation in this country among conservatives and liberals. And on and on and on we go.
      Let's deal in facts, first. Emotion to follow. First, this is the 23rd mass shooting since President Obama took office. Of those, five were Muslims. Others came in all colors and for all reason. That’s the most mass shootings under any president.
       I believe that is because we are at war with each other, human beings against human beings, religions against religions, hate against love and love against hate.
      Calling this latest names matters not. It was a hate crime. It was a terrorist attack. It was a mass killing, a slaughter. It was all those things.
      But beyond all that it was grief being arranged by an outside source.
         Can we please, please, please simply understand the pain this causes – or try to for I fear we really can’t – and leave the shouting about it for our own causes to a minimum.
       I can't get past the details I heard last night. Unanswered ring tones rang out in the site of devastation as the 50 dead in the night club almost 24 hours after the shooting began were being sought by those who loved them. 
      No, no let's not even call them 50 dead. Let's call them what they were: the 50 persons, the 50 sons and daughters of mothers and fathers and the 50 sons and daughters of God. Phones ringing because someone who loved them couldn't find them, hadn't heard from them. And someone on the other end of that call was distraught.
      This time it is a segment of the population that is among the least, out for a night of fun, separated, but unworthy of this mess. Next time it might be another portion of the population. And there will be a next time.
      We don't have a dang thing we can do with these things except limit the access to weapons of mass persons destruction. If the shooter didn't have this type of gun, surely the death toll would have been less. Surely. 
      The absolute truth is if the shooters have these types of weapons legally, whether full on automatic or not, we have no way of keeping them out of the wrong hands. It's just one step from them being in the hands of persons who will kill. 
      You can't legislate or stop abuse from happening with the lone wolf crazy killer. At least we haven't been able to.
      And I write, and I write, and I write and someone's sons and daughters die, again and again and again.