What is your busy-ness quota looking like lately?
I took a moment yesterday to simply crash. It was a fine, fine afternoon. It wasn't hot, the humidity was sane and the wind was blowing mildly. I sat in the swing we have under the big oak in the front yard and read. Then I put the Nook down and sat and thought. Two cats that have adopted us played and frolicked and eventually jumpted into the swing with me.
I was still before God, and I liked it.
The Bible tells us to do this, you know? Be still, and know...? You get that, right.
From time to time the world will allow us to do so. We are not so important, frankly, that the world won't keep going with out us. I like to think that's not true, but it is.
So sit. Be. Absorb. Allow.
God will smile upon us if we are able to stop and let him.
The Bible says: "How can I account for this generation? The people have been like spoiled children whining to their parents, 'We wanted to skip rope, and you were always too tired; we wanted to talk, but you were always too busy.'
We have settled for being busy when God wants us to settle down.
Take some time; heck, make some time to stop and be still and listen and quit worrying, quit working, quit grieving, quit doing.
The weather is fine. The worry will still be there.
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