Monday, September 27, 2010

Hope walks with us

In the letter someone wrote to the group known as the Hebrews, we read:
5-6Don't be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, "I'll never let you down, never walk off and leave you," we can boldly quote,

God is there, ready to help;
I'm fearless no matter what.
Who or what can get to me?

He will never walk off an leave us.
He is there, ready to help.
THEREFORE, I'm fearless.

I'm finishing a six-part series on how to live a fearless life this week, and what we've all learned is there is plenty to be fearful of. Things are not getting better; in fact, they are getting worse.

It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you lean toward politically, no one seems to have answers any longer.

All we get is some nonsense about how the recession is over, the country is headed in the right direction and for some reason we need to keep fighting in a county that no one has ever entered and become the victor.



But the notion that God is with us is also an indisputable fact that grows more meaningful as things get worse.

He is our stronghold, when things are darkest.
He is our rock, when the tides are rising against us.
He is our fortress, when we are surrounded at work by "pagans."
He is our shelter, when we can't seem to get our head above water.

Oh, how I wished I could tell you that things will be okay now that you've found God in your life. I can't. Evidence is widespread that things will continue to be difficult. You can't look at some of the writing in Daniel, Ezekiel or even Revelation and not notice that even when the good things are on the way, one must travel through horrendous happenings to get there.

But I can tell you with absolute assurance that as you go through these things, God will walk with you. That is the hope you must cling to.

When our kids aren't well,
when our own health is faltering,
when our parents are troubled and getting old,
when our bank accounts get up and leave us,
when our bills overcome us and threaten our sanity,
when our jobs go away like wisps of fog

He is with us. He will shelter us. He will walk with us through that dang, ol' valley of death.

That is the constant. That is the promise. That is the hope.

Buy into it today, for your own sake.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've had many, many people talk about reading this. It is important that you sign on as followers though. Take just a minute to do so.