I was watching some of the reports about Japan and I rememered Katrina, one more time. My thoughts were these: Katrina and its aftermath were a drop in the ocean compared to what Japan is facing and has faced. How does one go through something like that? How does on sustain itself, when all around it is chaos and woe.
I have no answers. They don't come this morning. They aren't out there for me, I'm afraid, and thus they're not there for you.
But I remind you that God is the God of the Japanese as well as the American; God of the tusnami as well as the earthquake as well as the flood as well as the hurricane.
And God is on the throne.
Why? I can't help you.
Who? I can.
Psalm 11 reads: When the foundations are being destroyed,
what can the righteous do?”
4 The LORD is in his holy temple;
the LORD is on his heavenly throne.
I have no answers, but I knew He does. He is saddened by what is happening, moreso than any of us. Our prayers must continue to glide toward Heaven while gliding out toward Japan.
It's all we can do right now.
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