Aren't we in a wonderful time?
Oh, the economy is still in the dumps and we're dumping military arsenal's on other countries and all sorts of downer stuff.
But it's gonna be 80 degrees with sunshine and a little breeze and a little humidity and God is chirping outside my window this morning. So let's try an experiment.
Drop what you're doing and praise God this morning.
David did it this way: On your feet now -- applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter. Sing yourselves into his presence. Know this: God is God and God, God. He made us. We didn't make him. We're his people, his well-tended sheep. Enter with the password, "Thank you."
That being the case, let's do that this morning.
Seek out all that you feel thankful for, and thank Him. Thank Him for life, breath, family. Thank Him for the joys of your life, not the happinesses, and for the learning experiments we call sorrows.
Thank Him for this morning and the work of the day. Thank Him. Bring joy as your currency and pay the piper for the chance to dance one more day.
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