Life as I live it:
Air conditioner to the parsonage went out. UGGGHHHH. House is an oven.
God has blessed us with a 24-foot travel trailer that we've slaved to buy for four years now. Slept well under air conditioner in trailer. God is good.
Took two loads of clothing and canned goods to tornado victim relief at a church near here. Goo is good.
Drove through the area touched by storm to get there. Trees and houses clipped like a paper cutter went through there. UGGHHHH
Had a session with area pastors to pray together set up for 9 a.m. God is good.
One other pastor showed up. UGGGHHH.
We prayed for each other and our churches and our community. God is good.
We began a food delivery system today to about 39 homes in the community. God is good.
We had basically three familes show up to deliver. UGGGHHHH.
It seems to me that the sheet of UGGGHHHs usually is longer than the ones that we can easily say God is goood in. None of that matters. God is good even in the UGGGHHHs is the story of the Bible. That I can't do enough good on my own is the other story of the Bible.
To the ones prayed for, to the ones with clothes and canned goods than had none, to the ones with hot red beans and rice who needed them, God is good all the time. How many UGGHHs we had to go through to get there is meaningless.
God is good.
All the time.
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