You can't see humidity, but it takes no genius to know it's there. I can't see humidity, but clearly it affects us in a tangible way. I can't see humidty but when it is high, you can see my shirt and know that fact is real. Sounds a lot like worship of the most high God..
Worship is those moments when the curtain is pulled back just a bit and we are inches closer to Him. Worship is when our songs drift lazily into the sky and bring the reign of God showering down. Worship is that time when we are closest to the one who loves us most and we get to tell Him how much we care.
Worship is when God shows us in a tangible manner, even if we still don't see Him.
Last night, as we brought canned goods to the middle of our worship area, symbolically putting a dent in hunger in the world, I felt Him like the humidity was felt all day. I've been in worship that was more emotional, certainly, but the combination of emotion, up-lifting songs (Awesome God made an appearance), meaningful sermon (Jesus' favorite word? "Go") and the offering of canned goods and pledges by Churches to give to the poor in a definitive, concrete manner made it all come together for many of us.
Worship is that time when the veil is ripped minutely and we see into the throneroom enough to know God is there. Doesn't happen every week, no matter what we call Sunday mornings. Oh, but that were true.
But when it does. Man, when it does. Luke said it made those Pentecost persons seem drunk. Heck, even United Methodists move a bit.
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