Today a group of people from my church (statewide) landed in Israel and I'm so, so envious. Our trip to Israel two years ago was the finest time of my life, with the exception of the conclusion and the phone call we got about our little Frankie.
It inspired, it informed, it led to desire to do it again that leaves me so envious.
Despite yesterday's poor numbers of readers, I venture out again, and this time I opend my Bible three times before noticing that each of the times I opened it (no kidding) the subject was the same: the restoration and love of God for his people).
I read to you from Hosea (after trying Isaiah and Ezekiel I believe it was): "The people of Israel will become like the sand of the sea, more than can be counted or measured. Now God says to them, "You are not my people," but the day is coming when he will say to them, "You are the children of the living God. The people of Judah and the people of Israel will be reunited...."
Today is but the second week of a new year. There is so much ahead of each of us, faithful readers and maybe a few new ones.
But the quest to become closer to God should be our every aim, our most important aim, our most needed aim. What have you done to schedule, plan, a coming together of God, his people, his adopted people, you, me, you name it? What have you done to think about, pray about, read about, contemplate about, meditate about God in this coming year?
The Bible teaches that if we're doing nothing more, if we're not growing spiritually, if we're just going on going on, we're going backwards.
Don't get caught up in the everyday mess. Live in this moment. Live in this day. But plan tomorrow with God's sure help.
God loves us and wants to be closer. What do we want?
Man, I wish I was in Tiberius this morning.
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