Thursday, January 26, 2012

The witness protection program

Peter stood up before thousands and preached (for the first time); "God has raised this very Jesus from death, and we are all witnesses to this fact."


Does that accurately describe your life? My life?

We are called to be witnesses to the death-raising. We are called to be witnesses to a change in our lives so that we can tell others about this fact. FACT.

So, let's examine what it means (briefly) to witness.

Christians are called to adhere to the following principles as they seek to fulfil Christ's commission in an appropriate manner, particularly within interreligious contexts.

1. Acting in God's love. Christians believe that God is the source of all love and, accordingly, in their witness they are called to live lives of love and to love their neighbour as themselves (cf. Matthew 22:34-40; John 14:15).

2. Imitating Jesus Christ. In all aspects of life, and especially in their witness, Christians are called to follow the example and teachings of Jesus Christ, sharing his love, giving glory and honour to God the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit (cf. John 20:21-23).
3. Christian virtues. Christians are called to conduct themselves with integrity, charity, compassion and humility, and to overcome all arrogance, condescension and disparagement (cf. Galatians 5:22).

4. Acts of service and justice. Christians are called to act justly and to love tenderly (cf. Micah 6:8). They are further called to serve others and in so doing to recognize Christ in the least of their sisters and brothers (cf. Matthew 25:45). Acts of service, such as providing education, health care, relief services and acts of justice and advocacy are an integral part of witnessing to the gospel. The exploitation of situations of poverty and need has no place in Christian outreach.Christians should denounce and refrain from offering all forms of allurements, including financial incentives and rewards, in their acts of service.

Is that how you're living? Is that how you want to live? Act justly, love tenderly, serve others?

All I know is we're having a difficult time getting volunteers for Kairos prison ministry at RCC in Bogalusa. Seems we would have to turn people away.

Maybe our witness isn't strong enough.

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