This morning, I turn to David and I turn to the Psalms (101) and I turn to The Message.
Hear the music in the background, playing sweet goodness for notes:
"My theme song is God's love and justice, and I'm singing it right to you, God. I'm finding my way down the road of right living, but how long before you show up? I'm doing the very best I can, and I'm doing it at home, where it counts. I refuse to take a second look at corrupting people and degrading things. I reject made-in-Canaan gods, stay clear of contamination. The crooked in heart keep their distance. I put a gag on the gossip who bad-mouths his neighbor; I can't stand arrogance. But I have my eye on salt-of-the-earth people -- they're the ones I want working with me. Men and women on the straight and narrow -- these are the ones I want at my side."
and wow again.
My theme song is God's love and justice. Oh, how I long to sing that constantly. I long to be the vessel in which God pours his grace in anticipation of me delivering all he has poured to the cups of others. I am but a tiny, tiny, tiny cog in the world of God's grace, and the world will go along merrily without me. But for the moment, for this season, I've been called, you've been called, to the place and the duty we have before us. Whatever that might be.
This is the truth, God's truth. Get good people beside you and take on the gates of Hell, with the full knowledge that with Jesus as our captain, the battle is already won.
Salt, we are salt.
Power, we are power.
Love, we are energy.
Inspiration, we are inspired we have a plan -- or at least 12 percent of a plan.
Today my to-do list is shallow and small. But God will flow through me and make the most wonderful things happen. I believe that because for almost seven weeks, that has been a daily occurrence, when I get out of the way. I believe that because I read the wonderful words of David, and I am energized one more morning.
You and I have a duty to the Lord to produce one more day of attempting to make disciples of our Lord Jesus. What more could there be to do?
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