Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Unlock-able doors

I read a story recently that went like this:

John Paton was a missionary in the New Hebrides Islands. One night, hostile natives surrounded the place he and his wife were staying. They were intent on burning out the family, and killing them. He and his wife prayed all night. When sunrise came, they were amazed to see all the natives were gone. A year later, by God's might, the chief of the tribe was converted. Remembering that long terrifying night, Paton asked the chief why they had left. He said, "Who were all those men with you there?" The chief said he was afraid to attack because he had seen hundreds of big men in shining garments with drawn swords circling the house where Paton and his wife were praying.

I'm working on a sermon about locked doors and who has the key.

Without using a name, here's one of those stories:

"Eight years ago I lost my wife to a thoracic aortic aneurysm in her prime. She left two girls as well. Now for some reason, my father and his father lost their wives in similar ways. Now I was somewhat upset, especially at God, because he took my wife and left us. For several years, I cured God, asking why and yet no answer. One day, I had to see a pain management doc for my back. Scared, not knowing what they would be doing to me. While being worked up, this nurse practioner came in and said, 'I know you," which I did. Her children and my children played with each other when they were growing. At that time, she was married. Then one day I got a call from a friend who worked with Judy (the nurse practioner. She told me that her husband had died suddenly and needed to talk to someone who was going through the same grief. We talked, then eventually started to date. Now, I knew that would eventually I would remarry. But it would take a special person, one who could blend two families together. God gave me Judy. We got married and have been married four years now. We have blended two girls and three boys in to one happy family. It hasn't been easy, but this is an example as to how God opens locked doors."

When was the last time you felt as if there was no way you could get out of the room you've locked yourself in? When was the last time you felt as if there was no way out? When was the last time you felt like someone put you in their own little room, locked the door and actually threw away that dang key?

Tell me your stories. Tell me how God unlocked those unlock-able doors.

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