Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Seeing red and other crazies

So, I’m late to this fray, but I figured I would pick up on it anyway.
I didn't even know there was an issue till there had been an issue for some time.
Here’s the drift, which I didn’t see until mid-way through Monday’s busy workday.
Starbucks, my expensive-but loved-home away from Coushatta home (as there is none here), has changed its red cups for the holiday season.
Last week, the coffee giant unveiled the design of this year’s cups, which have become something of a Starbucks tradition, which I also was not aware of (I'm blissfully unaware of so many things). The company’s designers went for a minimalist look “with a bright poppy color on top that shades into a darker cranberry below.” 
Looked red to me, but I digress.
“We have anchored the design with the classic Starbucks holiday red that is bright and exciting,” said Jeffrey Fields, Starbucks vice president of design and content. “The ombré creates a distinctive dimension, fluidity and weightedness.”
Now, let’s lay aside the fact I have no idea what that means, the ombre’, fluidity and weightedness I mean, there was something left off the cup – and I’m not making this up.
There are no holiday symbols.
The cup is as red as Santa’s nose, but there is nothing there to suggest that it is being done for Christmas.
And all heaven broke loose in some, maybe just a few, Evangelicals out there.
Breibart News tweets: Starbucks Red Cups have erased any sense of Christmas, after years of at the very least upholding a capitalistic, post-Victorian image of the Christian holiday.
Again, I’m not making this up, just in case you're as blissfully unaware as said writer.
Facebook images sprouted like those noted Christian symbols of horns on a Reindeer: Starbucks goes red on All Christmas Cups.
The camps broke into two or three. On one side there were the Christians who saw this as someone robbing them of their high-priced but wonderfully tasting Lattes.
Leah tweeted, “Since you are running away from Christianity, I’m running from you.”
On the other side were the pagan, heathen coffee swilling mobs who could care less.
Mark tweeted, “Starbucks is rounding Christians up into coffee death camps and making them drink Pagan Spice Lattes.
In the middle were the Christians who were swilling their high-priced but wonderfully tasting Lattes who could care less.
(My favorite) Adam tweeted, “Starbucks took Merry Christmas off their cups because of Christ; so tell them your name is Merry Christmas and they’ll have to put it on the cup.
And God simply laughed.
Or cried.
Or both.
The “attack on Christmas” starts every year about this time, doesn’t it? The Christmas decorations, which have little to do with honoring a child who was born to give his life for our own stupidity, er, sin, start to come out and the next thing you know, someone is taking something off a building in downtown Americana and we think we have to do something (we Evangelicals, which I still think of myself as), instead of simply going on loving and doing whatever we want in the name of Christ.
Again, I didn’t even know Starbucks had a tradition, though the Spice Latte was/is starting to be part of my own once I travel the 40 miles to play $11 or $12 for two of those babies when I can. Luckily for my so worn out wallet, I can't do that often.
I guess the bottom line for all this is Starbucks is a private business that can do whatever the heck it wants. You are able to do the same. Don’t buy or buy, the issue doesn’t change.
We’ve got far bigger pressing issues than red cups. I think we might be able to agree on that. 
They really are rounding up Christians in foreign lands and they are really killing them and all this mess we get ourselves into doesn’t help them one dang bit.
That is what angers me, not whether snow falling on a red background or whatever in the heck it was.
I long for the days when our cups ranneth over with love.

Or perhaps they never did, and that was just a tradition that never was.


kevin h said...

Spot on, Billy! But I have to add my own opinion that I am utterly disgusted by folks who must whine and rant and cry wolf over superficial nothings. It's a disgrace to the Church and the Gospel. I want to call them CINO's -- Christians In Name Only. (I wish I'd thought of that, but I saw it somewhere.)

Unknown said...

I'm going to steal that CINO. It will re-appear sometime in the future