Friday, December 14, 2012

Love came down at Christmas

Let's talk carols today, Christmas carols.

This is from a carol that I've actually never sung, to my knowledge, but I thought would be good fodder for conversation.

Love Came Down At Christmas, a tune written in 1885 by Christina G. Rossett says this:
Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love divine;
Love was born at Christmas; star and angels gave the sign.

Worship we the Godhead, Love incarnate, Love divine; worship we our Jesus, but wherewith for sacred sign?

Love shall be our token; love be yours and love be mine; love to God and all men, love for plea and gift and sign.

The notion that God's love was never more felt than in two events, the birth and the death of Christ, is one that really appeals to me.

Today we head to New Orleans to spend about 24 hours with our kids and grandkids. Circumstances dictate that this is part of our Christmas gift exchange. The love I feel for these kids, now adults, and their offspring, I can't begin to even try to tell you.

But I know, somehow in my innermost being, that the love I have is nothing compared to the love shared when Jesus was born.

Love did come down at Christmas. How can we doubt that in a world where there are shootings at elementary schools?

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