Monday, May 27, 2013

Being the church, on Memorial Day

Today the church becomes the church, again. Today we collect funds to send to Moore, Okla. 

Of course, it's Memorial Day and we could be doing something else. But today, the church becomes the church again.

It's interesting to me that we have few vivid stories in Scripture that show these kinds of random acts of kindness.

My favorite is when Peter goes to the Temple, is asked for money by a beggar at one of the gates and says words to the effect of "Money I have little; but what I have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ, rise and be healed."

Uh, wow.

That's what the church must do today, and other sun bleached days like today. Be, in the name of Jesus Christ, willing to give whatever we have to whomever we come in contact with.

We'll never meet the ones who benefit from our gifts, either taken up yesterday in church or in boots of the fire department today. But we know them, anyway.

What we have, we give, in the name of Jesus Christ. Today.

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