Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Crazy is

I once ran a car over an air-conditioning unit, a big one.
I once knocked myself out by putting a metal plate into a fuse box, knocking the power off to the cul de sac we lived in.
I once blinded myself pouring water into a bucket of chemicals for the pool.

I know crazy when I see it. Crazy blossoms when we do things on our own, when we thing we're alone, when we falter because we don't turn to the strength we all possess ... the grace and mercy and power of God through the Holy Spirit.

Then when things get hairy, which is a saying I don't quite get being without hair, we crumble. That's crazy.

Crazy is letting all the things we've volunteered for make us exhausted and ripe for failure.
Crazy is seeking a way to fill the hole we feel in our very being by using, people, things, and finding in the long run none of that works.
Crazy is as crazy does.

I once parked my car somewhere around a coliseum and couldn't remember where that was.
I once stuck a screw driver to a fuse, again sending a charge through my body.
I know crazy when I see it.

Crazy is living life like one of those plate spinners that used to perform on Ed Sullivan.
Crazy is living life with perpetual failure as a driving companion.
Crazy is limping around because a relationship has soured or even broken off.

Crazy is doing anything without the peace that Jesus promised to each and every individual on the planet.

Crazy is as a song by Francesca Battistelli says:

Oh, come meet me in this moment
Before it all gets going
And these plates start to spin
And the crazy kicks in
A circus of distractions
Is just about to happen
I'll be ready when the crazy kicks in

Pushed and pulled by a thousand expectations
And all the roles I'm supposed to play
To hit the ground running's a temptation
But I have learned this lesson the hard way
A little time with You, the only way to get me through the day

Crazy is expecting things to be different simply because.
Crazy is waiting on something different simply because.
Crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results ... simply because.

Crazy is doing anything without a little time with Him as a background. 

Like so many Internet apps, we need to have Him running in the background.

Crazy is electing the nuts to run the nut factory.

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