Okay, okay, I'll admit it. It's hard, because, well, because, oh, let's just say it's hard.
I don't like someone. Oh, I love him because I'm supposed to, must, assuredly need to. But I don't like him. And that indeed is a virus.
He's brash. I detest brash.
He's loud. I detest loud.
He's rude. I detest rude.
He's arrogant. I detest arrogance.
He think's he's the first of his kind to ever go round this merry-go-round. He's not. But that's a brash, loud, rude, arrogant statement.
He think's he can say or do anything because, well, because, oh, let's just say he thinks he can. And as long as he keeps doing the things he's doing, well, I suspect he will. Till I get my antibiotics, and get the right one, the virus will get more insidious.
Now, this (virus) dislike didn't start recently. It's been brewing for about four years I reckon. But this year it's blossomed into outright deep-held dislike. Not hate. That would be silly. But deep-held dislike seems the appropriate flavor.
I could tell you who I dislike so much, but that would be counter-productive. Seems the virus picks and chooses with random ability and harsh feelings.
The virus' symptoms include outright shouting at the TV, mumbling to myself, fever, light-headedness, dizziness, and at times a moderate changing of my face-color to a light shade of red.
The virus is easy to catch, by the way. A little dab of it will do you, if you know what I mean.
I thought I would teach everyone about this virus by going to Scripture. But there are only three references to dislike in the Bible and none of them apply. There are many references to hate, but most of them are about God hating something.
Like: here are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
The person that I have such dislike for has haughty eyes and a smile a mile wide but as far as I know doesn't lie, hasn't shed innocent blood, doesn't devise wicked schemes, but does have quick feet. However, he certainly stirs up conflict in the community.
Whew. Now I've gotten that off my chest, perhaps, just perhaps I might get better. Might.
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