It's Monday. No denying it. It creeps up on me and makes me, well, cranky. But there it is. So, forgive me ahead of time.
But I must vent. It has come to my attention that we are in serious trouble. All of us. We are doing nothing positive to make it better.
Remember when we, as a country, used to have serious discussions about serious matters? Remember when we, even if we disagreed with the other side, thought we could be better, do better? Remember when we dreamed, and we thought as a country we could meet those dreams?
I do. I really do.
Today we're in a Saturday Night Live skit. We're living it. Our candidates for the highest office, hence those who help provide the dreams, are at best, well to put it as nicely as I can, less than superb.
Seriously. Does anyone out there, any reader out there, feel inspired by the candidates? Are we still dreaming of a better land?
A socialist?
A re-run?
An incredibly narcissistic billionaire with no experience whatsoever in government.
Candidates from both sides that in many, many other years would be unelectable because of what they've done or what they've said.
This is how it has been for a while.
Remember when we were going to attack poverty at its core and drive it back? Yeah. Failed.
Remember when we were going to defeat drugs? Yeah. Failed.
We tried.
What policies, grand or otherwise, have we proposed in the run-up to the general election?
Building a wall to keep folks out? Really? We're really going to build a wall around the country to keep illegals out? Really? This is a policy?
Somehow taking all the funds from the millionaires and distributing it to the less fortunate? Really? We're going to regulate who gets what?
These are the policies we're going to build a future on? We are really living in a Saturday Night Live skit.
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