We stand at the precipice of then and now, of light and of darkness, or good and of evil. Question after question pours forth and we can ask them, answer them or simply wait for oblivion to come dancing down the hallway.
As the path to nicks and knack clears away, and we begin to see where we are headed, children of God marching heard and sometimes through the River Jordan -- escaping the end of what has been life in abundance.
We scatter all the way, good ones, bad ones, fear-mongering like we've got all the time in the world. Our eyes begin to adjust to the coming darkness as only the fires give us hope. Fires of battle light the way forward -- or backward. Oh, we're beginning to see the what lies there. Period. There's a large mass of materials on the ground, an even bigger mess of materials, debris scattered ahead of us like a battle was waged and they had the audacity to leave us out of the scrimmage.
So, whatchagonna do?
There's the way? That tunnel?That one? What will you do ? What can you do?
Here's the expectation ... "...He has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like him, for we will be like he really is. And all who have this eager expectation will keep themselves pure, just as he is pure."
There you go.If we have hope, IF we have hope, we will keep ourselves pure, just like him.
Period. Pure. Fresh. Clean. Righteous.
"We shall keep ourselves pure. Like he is pure."
That's the game plan, folks. Pure. Fresh. Clean. Righteous.
Then he simplifies even more: "This is the message you have heard from the beginning. Love one another." In good times, in bad times, in funky storms and in freaky, leaky storms. Love........ONE ............ANOTHER. I can't find anything more simple in scripture and anything more difficult to accomplish.
1 John says that if we love our Christian brothers and sisters it proves that we have passed from death to life. We will not only say it, but we will prove it by our actions. If we act upon what we believe and act upon what we say, goodness knows it will be a great party in heaven.
That's the way...that tunnel...that one right there.
What will you do? What can you do?John says he wrote that piece because you believe in the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life. Get up and get going and love someone into submission this day. Don't wait till tomorrow. Get up and get going.
Love one another. What a nice way to start the day.
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