Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fighting boredom

There's a television show on HBO right now called "Bored To Death," my research shows. I submit that without ever having seen the show or perhaps ever seeing the show in the future, it is boring.

Boredom is something that is worse than terrible disease for some of us. We just don't want to be bored. I remember a time when my friend, Kenny, and I took perfectly okay bikes and painted them black so that they could be "stunt" bicycles. Don't know what sense that made, but it was boredom that made us do them.

I remember summers where the biggest thing that could happen to us was the bookmobile coming around a couple of times a month so that we could check out books. I loaded down on the things and read every one. Wasn't much to do in the summers when I was growing up except baseball and reading. I did both as much as I could. Of course, baseball needed additional players, so I was left to play it in my head most of the time.

Boredom is, according to Webster, to weary by dullness, tedious repetition, unwelcome attentions, etc.. Heck, even the definition is boring.

I get bored too easily, I'll admit, but it is my seeking of something and different that keeps me going. The Bible says, "So seek God and life! You don't want to end up with nothing to show for your life but a pile of ashes..."

No. I don't. So I'm seeking and seeking. What about you?

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