Thursday, September 15, 2011

Power in the blood (sugar and otherwise)

Research shows that the trace mineral chromium helps maintain proper blood sugar levels by increasing cells' sensitivity to insulin, steeling your body against type II diabetes. Swallow 200 micrograms a day of chromium polynicotinate.

First let's note that I don't know what a microgram is. I also don't know what chromium polynicotinae is. Heck, I barely know what minerals, blood sugar, insulin and/or cells are. But I can read, and  my reading tells me that if I can pop a top on 200 micrograms, I can increase my chances of living.

I bought some of those pills. They led me to this email written by a dog owner:

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! My nine year old little West Highland Terrier, Festie, has been given a new "leash on life." He was diagnosed approx. 6 mos ago with arthritis in both of his hind legs. I knew something was wrong when he no longer was playing and jumping up and down on his hind legs.

Well, I can't tell you how awful it is (you have to be a dog owner to experience it) to see your dog suddenly turn lethargic, and not even wanting to play or watch TV. Not being able to jump up when you call him/her. Or even go up and down the stairs without great difficulty. When I finally took him to the Vet and discovered the arthritic situation, I was determined then, not to use prescription medication on him; but to find something that would keep him out of pain and restore his quality of life.

Through a silly little use of some search words in Ixquick, the Vital Pet 
name came up with your site. I knew after reading nearly all the info on the site, along with most of the articles, that your
products were the way to go, not just for him, but one day possibly for me too. HOWEVER, skepticism did stand in the way from getting anything for me also.

I got the supplements, but I really can't tell you when he started getting better because it did appear to happen so fast. I know it had to be within a 3-6 month period with him taking one pill a day. All of a sudden one day (and I am sure this surprised him too) he went flying down the stairs in his old form, which is where all fours are hardly touching the stairs. He was surprised there was no pain and so was I. Even though SHOCKED is a better word as I stood there with my mouth wide open. No more pain. So, no pain pills. Just the one Vita Pet pill a day. So, I am informing everyone I come across of your supplements including the animal hospital that he goes to and any of its customers that will listen to me. The joy I am getting out of my little man getting his life back is more words than I can share with you in this email."

HOWEVER...(and) SHOCKED were capitalized by the owner of the pet, not me. But, and here's the point that got me. The dog had no more pain after just one Vita Pet pill a day. We'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll buy those pet pills even as I have bought the people pills. I know my pet would be grateful forever if that proved to be true. Again, we'll see how it goes. If the one product works, I'll order the Vita Pet pill. .

All this speaks to one point: God's granting of freedom to his people despite, or maybe because of, our many, many mistakes, mishaps and memorable flops.

We mess up because God allows us to mess up. He allows us to foul the scene with our pregnant possibilites. Though He could, he does not put any robot in us. We mess up because we can.

But there seems to be a limit to what God wants us to mess up. The Bible constantly speaks to that condition -- the messed-up condition. Though God allows us to make putrid that which began as pure, He would prefer that we choose to create pure. That is Jesus' role in all this. His blood washes clean that which we never could. But we can try. God would prefer that we at least tried.

The Bible says this: "Try to learn what pleases the Lord. Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you. And do not make God's Holy Spirit sad; the Spirit is God's mark of ownership on you, a guarantee that the Day will come when God's will set you free. Get rid of all bitterness, passion, and anger. No more shouting or insults, no more hateful feelings of any sort... Instead be kind and tender-hearted to one another."

In other words, be careful how you live. Try to live well, good, pure. It makes a difference. It really does. Even if we fail, maybe when we fail, God is there for us. But the point is we tried.

A number of things strike me.

First, the notion that I must get rid of all "passion" seems too much. Am I not supposed to cry at sports movies? Really?

Second, the Spirit is "God's mark of ownership," seems to be a reading without meaning. God "owns" us? I acknowledge His "ownership" of us as a weird notion that signifies giving up rights, civil and otherwise, that we've fought so hard over such a long period of time to obtain. Remember, we tried.

Finally, "no more hateful feelings of any sort" is a portion of a sentence that says to us you MUST NOT fail, though Paul has already written that WE WILL fail but the point is to TRY.

God's love for us is such that when we finally love him in return, it's forever. Unique forever. Never been done before kind of love.

Here's the issue though: If God loves us, do we have to love him in return or do we remain free to love him in return? And if we remain free to love him in return, what happens to our choices then?

I believe that God's love doesn't coerce. God's love changes us. We are loved and in return our quibbling begins to change over time. We are to be free of hateful feelings of any sort. But it's not a test. Or if it's a test, it's an essay, not a true-false.

Our bodies must be free of hateful feelings. Our minds must be free of hateful feelings. Our emotions, our creativity, our being. All free. Period.

Why? Because God owns us and whatever God owns must be holy as God is holy. Paul writes, "Your hearts and minds must be made completely new and you must put on the new self, which is created in God's likeness and reveals itself in the true life that is upright and holy." That's just the way it is. It is what it is. We are free indeed. But how does this happen?

It happens because God's holiness is the chromium polynicotinate of our lives. God's holiness goes into our bodies and corrects -- our blood sugar, our weight gain, our cells' sensitivity to insulin, which in turn steels our body and our mind against sin. (Bet you thought I would never get back to the lead paragraph)

So let's pour those micrograms down our throats; let's absorb 200 micrograms a day; let's get chipper quickly and with purpose. Let's renew our minds with the Word and transform our bodies with the Chromium, cause the Day of the Lord is minutes closer.

There is, (wait for it, wait ...wait .. okay, pour it home) there is power in the blood. There is power. indeed. Chromium and sin-saving power.

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