Monday, September 30, 2013

Into Samaria

When I go looking for a topic to write about, particularly on Monday, I often go to the religion news section.

Today, when I scrolled over there, I was struck by just how the "religious" are in need of the peace only Christ can give.

Here are the headlines:

Catholic chaplains given marching orders barring service to gay couples

Conservatives promote House bill to protect opponents of gay marriage

United Methodist high court to consider challenges to gay teachings

Now, I'm not going to comment on any of the headlines, or the stories that follow. That's perhaps for another day. What I am going to comment on is the fact that a lot of folks are spending a lot of time thinking about, worrying about, commenting about stuff that should be on the back-burner.

What we're supposed to be about, scripturally, is seeking and saving the lost. Anything else, it seems to me is less than what we need to be about.

Have we presented the Gospel to someone in the past week, either in words or deed?
Have we done anything to help the least and the lost?
Have we tried, in prayer, to talk to God about these seemingly large questions?

Let's do that, and perhaps the "big" ticket items that seem to be facing the church might become slightly lessened.

After all, if we love our neighbor -- even those dastardly Samaritans -- aren't we doing our jobs as Christians?

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