Monday, December 14, 2009

It will be okay

Have you ever noticed that no one in scripture, heck no one in the movies or books, gets sick?

No one has a cold. No one has aches. No one fights a runny nose. No one has to deal with heart problems? No one ever has due dates on bills.

I noticed. And I have been sick all day. Aches, pains, even the inability to type welll since I keep having little problems with the hands, little twitches and things.

It's been a difficult day and I'm writing this as the sun goes down instead of coming up.

I'm sure no one noticed.

But let's continue: The bible says the angel came upon Mary and sad a few things and Mary said OKAY.

OKAY, I'll have my life completely undone, I'll have my life turned upside down, I'll have the pain of raising a child mostly by myself in a time when men run everything. I'll have the pain of gossip, of inuendo, of talk that I've done this and than and the other.

And this was your answer:

"The Holy spirit will come upon you, the power of the Highest hove over you. Therefore , the child you bring to birth will be called Holy, son of God."

Oh, that makes it better. He won't be picked on, he won't be, uh, Lorded over by the kids in the neighborhood. I wont let him tell them. That's the answer. That's the ticket.

Suddenly, filled with the Holy Spirit, she sang out "I'm bursting with God-news, I'm dancing the song of my Saviror God. God took one good look at me, and looked what happened -- I'm the most fortunate woman on earth. What God has done for me will never be forgotten, the God whos very name is holy, set aprt from all others."

Oh, I'll keep him apart from others. But it will be fine. It will be okay. It will be okay.

I know it. I mean, what could happen to him?

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