Friday, June 18, 2010

Blessings abound

I was reading last night from a book called The Good and Beautiful God, a remarkable work by James Bryan Smith.

Just the feeling that Smith gives the reader, the feeling of absolute love for God and by God is remarkable.

One of the things Smith asks of the reader is that the reader fashion a list of what blessings God has given him or her.

While thinking that through, I began to see just how much God has done for me over the years. It is remarkable. God has been incredibly patient with me when I had no patience. God has loved me when I thought little of him. God has watched over me when I was so selfish.

He's given me a super wife, chjust toildren who have little fault and grandchildren who make me smile just to think of them. He gave me a careeer that was filled with days of joy. He now is using me in ways that give me so much pleasure.

Blessings all around. Breath to keep me alive. Eyes, ears, voice, all of which work. I've never had bad health that kept me in tears.

Pets who have brought me joy upon joy.

And then there is Jesus.

Is everything perfect? No. Is everything always great? No. Do I suffer with my back? Yes.

But my problems are but a period on an 81/2 inch by 11 inch notebook paper of blessings.

Take some time this evening and count those blessings. See how much He's given. Thank him. Praise him. Smith while you're doing it.

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