Monday, June 7, 2010

Storm driven

We spent time with some old friends this weekend, and I was honored by being able to baptise their one-year-old on Sunday.

We talked about how much we missed each other, and how much we missed the times we had together when we were together at Gretna UMC. It was a time that the Holy Spirit moved greatly upon the land for us. Bible studies were marvelous. We did great, great mission work, with a feeding program at the Wall in the French Quarter. We had a wonderful contemporary service with a great band. We had a $2 million new facility that was drawing 300 persons per Sunday.

Then came Katrina.

And nothing has ever been the same.

Those friends moved to Missouri, one of about four couples who did. We were moved to the Northshore. Eventually our senior pastor, Trey Harris, was moved.

The church stumbled. We were scattered. I've never felt worship like that again.


We go on. We can't duplicate that time, that feeling. But maybe there is some good to come out of all that. There always is, scripture tells us. Romans says that God turns all things to the good of those who love him. That clearly means even Katrina. Maybe especially Katrina, the hurricane of all hurricanes.

We have had, all of us from that cluster of great friends, a chance to spread the gospel in the manner that the apostles were scattered by persecution and had to leave Jerusalem. Would we ever have left otherwise? No, probably not. Neither would the apostles.

So our splitting up should be seen as an opportunity.

Would Mary and I be living 60 miles from our grandkids? No.

But everything is turned to the good.


Even when it is hard to see.

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